All Collections A Few Guidelines How to properly disclose your relationship with a brand

How to properly disclose your relationship with a brand

Written by Daniel
Last edited 6/16/2020

Is it really necessary to disclose that

Suppose you follow someone on social media who tells you about a great new product. She tells you it performs wonderfully and offers fantastic new features that nobody else has. Would that recommendation factor into your decision to buy the product? Probably.

Now suppose the person works for the company that sells the product – or has been paid by the company to tout the product. Would you want to know that when you’re evaluating the endorser’s glowing recommendation? You bet.

Anytime you create Content for a brand, you should disclose your connection with this brand, even if it’s only the provision of free products (and not only because of the law, also because it’s key to be honest with your community).

You will find below our recommendations to properly disclose your connection with the brands. You are free to choose the way you want to disclose it, but with this, you should be compliant with:

  • your country regulations and
  • the FTC standards.

Here are our recommandations to properly disclose your partnership

On Instagram

  • Add an hashtag in your description such as #GiftFrom[Brand] or #ComplimentaryFrom[Brand] or write a sentence with the terms ”[Brand] sent it to me” or “complimentary from”.
  • Note for Stories: If you post multiple stories that talk about the same product, you must disclose in each story

On YouTube

  • Add the sentence “[Brand] sent me this product complimentary” or ”[Brand] gifted me” in the “About” section of your video description
  • Repeat the same sentence at the beginning of your video as a preliminary comment.

We will also find these recommendations in our emails/notifications and in your request section.